How to Help Your College Student...
Finals are a tough time for any college student. No matter the subject, final tests can be overwhelming! The accumulation of a semester amount of knowledge and many times making...
Read MoreFinals are a tough time for any college student. No matter the subject, final tests can be overwhelming! The accumulation of a semester amount of knowledge and many times making...
Read MoreFor those of us that were lucky enough to have received care packages while attending college, these packages will be forever remembered as timely boxes of love from family and...
Read MoreMove over Daytona and Palm Springs! These five places are the places to go for Spring Break in 2019. Your spring break location can be many things. A place to thaw...
Read More"I feel like I have the flu" my daughter, Kelsey, said as she arrived home after her college graduation from Union College in upstate New York. It was the summer...
Read MoreWe recently wrote a post for moms with some great ideas on how to spend a special valentines day with their daughters. But what if you’re the kid? (and really,...
Read MoreThere's a special bond between mother and daughter. Why not celebrate that this Valentines Day? Whether your daughter is still living at home with you, is away at college,...
Read MoreValentine’s Day can be a challenge when you are single, but it doesn't have to be! Whether you recently went through a break-up, or just tend to be a lone...
Read MoreWhy can it be so challenging to shop for guys?! With Valentine's Day right around the corner, we are starting to think about what to gift that special someone in...
Read MoreResolutions are a great way to set goals for the year to come. The end of the year is a great time to take stock and see what in your...
Read MoreTraveling with adult children and younger children is a very different experience. "Are we there yet?" A common phrase I would say, with frustration, to my parents when taking my...
Read MoreWinter break is a time for students to travel home and reconnect with family and friends, but sometimes they can't come home, travel is expensive and time is precious. They...
Read MoreYou don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that college can be a very stressful time for our young student population. We have almost become numb to the...
Read MoreThe Tuesday after Thanksgiving is Giving Tuesday every year. It’s a movement fueled by the power of social media (#givingtuesday) and global collaborations. This time of year, all of us...
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